Updated on 01/11/2023



The website accessible at (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is published by SOPRAL (hereinafter referred to as "PRO-NUTRITION"), a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with a share capital of 330,000 euros, registered in the RENNES Trade and Companies Register under number 67920074100065, whose registered office is located at 3 rue de paris - Immeuble Atalis 2 - Batiment E - 35 577 CESSON SEVIGNE CEDEX.
PRO-NUTRITION can be contacted by telephone on 02 99 42 84 00 and at
The company's VAT number is FR59679200741.
Director Zviad KHALVASHI, at 3 rue de paris - Immeuble Atalis 2 - Batiment E - 35 577 CESSON SEVIGNE CEDEX


L’hébergement du Site est réalisé par la société Gandi.

Au capital de 630.000 EUR (fixe).

Adresse : 63/65 63 BOULEVARD MASSENA 75013 PARIS.

N° TVA : FR81423093459.

Site :

Coordonnées :


Digital agency

125 rue Ganymede, Juvignac 34990.


Site design and layout :

Photo credits :


PRO-NUTRITION is the owner of the industrial property rights to its corporate names, brand names or trademarks, signs, trade names, signs, Internet addresses or other distinctive signs (hereinafter referred to as " Distinctive Signs ").

It is also the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the Site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the Site, as well as the Distinctive Signs held by PRO-NUTRITION, whatever the means or the process used, is forbidden without the prior written authorization of PRO-NUTRITION, and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code relating to counterfeiting.

Toute demande d’autorisation aux fins de reproduction et / ou représentation du Site doit être adressée à PRO-NUTRITION à l’adresse 3 rue de paris – Immeuble Atalis 2 – Batiment E – 35 577 CESSON SEVIGNE CEDEX.


Access to and use of the Site by the Internet User (who visits the Site without creating an Account or without ordering a Product or a Sample) and/or by the User (who uses the Site to create an Account and/or to order a Product and/or a Sample) may involve the processing of personal data by PRO-NUTRITION.

The latter undertakes to comply with its obligations under regulations relating to the protection of personal data, in particular Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data [or RGPD] and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

The Internet user's personal data is used by PRO-NUTRITION for :

  • Gérer ses demandes de contact (ex. question sur un produit) et ses éventuelles réclamations,
  • Gérer son inscription à la newsletter et tenir compte du retrait de son consentement à l’envoi de cette dernière.

The Internet User's Data may also be used in connection with the placement of cookies.

The User's Personal Data allows PRO-NUTRITION to :

  • Gérer les CGV et leur acceptation par l’Usager,
  • Mettre à disposition de l’Utilisateur et / ou du Client un Compte,
  • Prévenir les fraudes en assurant un suivi des connexions au Compte,
  • Gérer les Commandes d’Echantillons et de Produits (notamment le paiement et la livraison) et proposer un historique des Commandes,
  • Accéder et suivre ses avoirs, retours produit, bons de réduction et alertes,
  • Gérer ses Abonnements et ses moyens de paiement en ligne,
  • S’assurer que l’Usager n’a pas commandé plus de 5 (cinq) Echantillons,
  • Assurer le suivi de le relation commerciale avec le Client,
  • Prospecter l’Usager et gérer une liste d’opposition à cette prospection,
  • Gérer les réclamations de l’Usager (retours produit, rétractation, etc.),
  • Gérer les demandes d’exercice de ses droits,
  • Gérer et mesurer la satisfaction des Clients et des Utilisateurs,
  • Laisser l’Utilisateur et / ou le Client s’exprimer sur des articles du blog et avoir son avis sur les sujets traités.

The Internet User and the User have various rights over their Personal Data - in particular rights of access, rectification and opposition, which they may exercise by contacting PRO-NUTRITION at

To find out more about the use of their data and their rights, Internet users and Users are invited to consult PRO-NUTRITION's Personal Data Use Policy (PUDP) and its Cookies Policy, which can be accessed HERE.


PRO-NUTRITION declines all responsibility in the event of the occurrence of bugs, or of any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information mentioned on the Site. PRO-NUTRITION cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequence, which may be caused as a result of accessing, consulting and/or using the Site.


PRO-NUTRITION makes every effort to keep the Site accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. Nevertheless, maintenance, updating or any other technical operations may interrupt access to the Site. PRO-NUTRITION shall not be held liable in the event of interruption or inaccessibility of the Site, for any reason whatsoever.


PRO-NUTRITION cannot be held responsible for the hypertext links on the Site to other resources on the Internet.

Internet users and users of the Site are not authorized to set up a hyperlink to the Site without the express prior authorization of PRO-NUTRITION.


The Site and the legal notices are governed by French law.

Any dispute relating to the Site shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.